What to Do: When Pulled Over By the Police

I’ve only ever been pulled over once by a policeman. I deserved it. I was going about 72 in a 55 zone. In my defense, I was late for my Physics 101 class. He was courteous and let me off with a warning since I was polite and it was my first infraction.

It can be nerve wracking for those of you who haven’t been pulled over. I won’t lie, I was sweating and almost cried thinking of that potential $300 ticket I didn’t have money for. So for everyone who’s never been pulled over, here’s what you should do:

  1. After recognizing you’re being pulled over, pull your car to the shoulder of the road and turn your car off.
  2. After making sure it’s a marked police car, roll down your window 3/4 of the way. Enough to talk to the police, but not enough that they can reach inside to grab you (I’ll explain why this precaution below).
  3. After establishing that it is a police car, if it is dark, turn on your interior light so the officer can see you.
  4. If you conceal and carry, keep both of your hands on the wheel where the officer can see them. When they run your plates it will show them your permit and they will most likely ask to see your weapon and have you step out of the vehicle. They are not harassing you, this is protocol.
  5. If you don’t conceal and carry, still keep your hands on the wheel or where the officer can see them. It’s a basic safety measure that helps everyone involved to stay calm.
  6. Keep your doors locked unless the officer asks you to exit the car. This is not an insult to the officer, simply a basic safety measure.
  7. If the officer asks to see your license and registration, provide them.
  8. They will take these back to their car and run them.
  9. They will return to your car and inform you on the consequences of why you were pulled over.

I’ve never been written a ticket, but I assume they simply write you one and you are obligated to pay within a time frame before they enforce other actions.

CALL 112:

If you are a woman, being pulled over can be especially scary. ALWAYS make sure the car that pulled you over is a marked police car.This means it has letters on the car with the local Police Department’s name. There should also be a car number to identify itself. There won’t be just one ‘bubble light’ on top, there will be multiple rows of lights both inside and outside the car.

If it is not a marked police car, KEEP YOUR CAR LOCKED and call 112 or 911. You will tell them your location, and that you were pulled over by an unmarked police car. They will check to see if there are any unmarked cars in the area.

There have been several incidents where women were pulled over by convicted rapists and felons in order to hurt them. This number has saved lives. I know several women and girls who are afraid to call the number in case it’s a real policeman. Don’t be. This could save your life.


  1. Don’t say “what’s the problem officer?”, this sounds combative and will likely irritate them. Let the officer talk first. Don’t mouth off.
  2. I don’t recommend flirting ladies. It may work some of the time, but it can come off as annoying and may land you that ticket.
  3. Try not to be defensive or angry. Whether or not you were in the wrong, they are the police and they are the authority. Irritating the person with the authority will only escalate the situation and potentially worsen your outcome.